Posts in Events & Meetings
Arrow Exterminator's Awards Gala With Meaning | Corporate Meeting Photographer, Kelli Price

I’ve had the pleasure of photographing 2-3 events a year since 2019 (except for you know when…looking at you 2020). And I have to say, I kinda feel like I’m part of the Arrow family too. People now recognize me, say “Good to see you again” and I’m even social media friends with a handful of the employees. Shoot, I even have photos WITH the attendees!

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Best Places for Pictures in Atlanta | Lifestyle Photographer, Kelli Price

I may not live in Atlanta full-time, but I’m back enough that my friends always say, “I see you more than when you lived here!” I was able to share my favorite places for photos in Atlanta with It isn’t a place that I have been able to utilize too often (small window of good light and traffic for kiddos is not ideal) but when the situation is right, its the Chef’s Kiss!!

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CanvasRebel - Jonathan Brimer | Incentive Photography by Kelli Price

I met Jonathan and his partner, Jason, in 2013 at the SITE Southeast Southern Supper. Our journey into the meetings & incentives industry is very similar. I’ve enjoyed partnering with them on several events and highly recommend them as a gifting partner!

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Corporate Photography, Branding, Events & MeetingsKelli Pricekelly price photography, kellipricephotography, kelli price photography, Kelli Price, kelligivesgoodheadshots, #kelligivesgoodheadshots, Kelli Price Photography, @kellipricephotography_events, Incentive Travel, Incentive Programs, incentive event, incentive event photographer, incentive event photography, SITE Southern Supper, SITE Southeast, siteunite, SITE, Corporate Gifting, Select Shades, eventprof, event planner, Event Photography, event photographer atlanta, event photographer reno, event photographer tahoe, event photographer blog, event photography atlanta, event photography blog, event photography, event photographer, eventprofs, event photographer sacramento, event photographer sf, event photography las vegas, event photographer cost, Event Photography Awards, reno event photography, best las vegas corporate event photographer, best event photographer, catering & events, CanvasRebel, corporate photography tahoe, corporate lifestyle photography, corporate event planner, corporate event photography reno, corporate event, corporate photography reno, Corporate Event Photography, corporate photography atlanta, corporate event photography sacramento, corporate event photography tahoe, corporate event photography, corporate event photography sf, corporate photography sf, corporate event photographers, corporate team photography, corporate event photographer, event photography prices, sfevent photography, las vegas corporate event photographerComment
My Story with Peter Scharff | Event Photography with Kelli Price

As many of you know, Corporate Event Photography is my speciality and photography passion. I started seeing events canceled (and loosing a LOT of business) in early March 2020….when most people were still just joking about the virus. A year later, I had the opportunity to tell my story to Peter Scharff who was interviewing the event industry.

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Lifestyle Portraits at Avalon | Lifestyle Photography by Kelli Price Photography

What I REALLY love about Avalon is all the perfect photo spots. Unfortunately, so do all of the 13 year old Instagrammers. ;) That’s ok….there is plenty of space to share, and I have found the PERFECT headshot spot with a unique wall, shade for rainy/sunny days and beautiful light!

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JMP 2020 Kickoff | Corporate Meetings & Event Photography - Kelli Price Photography

Over the past few years, I have come to have an appreciation for companies that set aside a budget and planning for a company meeting. Employees have the opportunity to get out of their office for a few days, interact with their cohorts and be inspired for the upcoming year and goals.

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Corporate Photography, Events & MeetingsKelli Priceevent photographer sacramento, event photography awards 2019, Event Photography, event photographer atlanta, event photographer reno, event photography prices, event photographer cost, event photographer tahoe, eventprof, Event Photography Awards, event photographer blog, event photography atlanta, event photography blog, eventprofs, event photography las vegas, event photography, event planner, event photographer, event photographer sf, best event photographer, reno event photography, best las vegas corporate event photographer, @kellipricephotography_events, incentive event, incentive event photographer, Incentive Travel, Incentive Programs, meeting planner, meetings photographer, las vegas corporate event photographer, incentive event photography, sfevent photography, catering & events, las vegas event photographers, bay area event photography, sacramento event photographer, sacramento event photography, atlanta event photography, atlanta event photograpers, atlanta event photographers, corporate event planner, corporate event photography reno, corporate event, Corporate Event Photography, corporate event photography tahoe, corporate event photography, corporate event photography sf, corporate event photographer, corporate event photographers, corporate event photography sacramento, focus on event photography, Carrie Dove Catering & Events, company meeting, employee recognition, jmpdiscoverysummit, jmpkickoff, kellipricephotography, kelli price photography, kelligivesgoodheadshots, #kelligivesgoodheadshots, Kelli Price Photography, @kellipricephotography,, Kelli PriceComment
Event Photography Awards 2020 | Wedding and Event Photographer Kelli Price

I’ve gone back to my “mother land” (seriously, I went to primary school at Lakenheath Elementary in Suffolk, England AND my Mum was born in Cambridge)! One of my event photos made it into the Daily Mail UK (online addition). Pretty cool!

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Events & Meetings, Wedding Highlights, Couples & EngagementKelli Priceatlanta corporate photography, atlanta event photography, eventprof, eventprofs, event photography awards 2019, event photographer atlanta, event photographer sacramento, event photographer reno, event photography prices, Event Photography, event photographer cost, event photographer tahoe, Event Photography Awards, event photographer blog, event photography atlanta, event photography blog, event photography las vegas, event photography, event planner, event photographer sf, event photographer, best las vegas corporate event photographer, best event photographer, reno event photography, sfevent photography, incentive event, catering & events, incentive event photographer, incentive event photography, las vegas corporate event photographer, las vegas event photographers, sacramento event photographer, sacramento event photography, bay area event photography, atlanta event photograpers, atlanta event photographers, corporate event planner, corporate event photography reno, corporate event, Corporate Event Photography, corporate event photography sacramento, corporate event photography tahoe, corporate event photography, corporate event photography sf, corporate event photographer, corporate event photographers, focus on event photography, corporate photography tahoe, Corporate Gifting, corporate lifestyle photography, corporate photography reno, corporate photography atlanta, corporate team photography, corporate portraits, sacramento corporate photography, reno corporate photography, atlanta corporate photographer, bay area corporate photography, corporate photography sf, corporate photography sacramento, sf corporate photographyComment
Focus on Event Photography with Kelli Price Photography | Event Photography by Kelli Price

Check out my “Masterclass” with Site Southeast!! Back in May I had the opportunity to give a virtual presentation about my favorite subject. Me and event photography! This is geared towards corporate meetings, incentive and event photography but the same techniques & posing can be applied to any type of event such as birthdays, ladies night out or other special occasions!

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Corporate Photography, Events & MeetingsKelli Priceevent photography awards 2019, event photographer sacramento, Event Photography, event photographer atlanta, event photographer reno, event photography prices, event photographer cost, event photographer tahoe, eventprof, Event Photography Awards, event photographer blog, event photography atlanta, event photography blog, eventprofs, event photography las vegas, event photography, event planner, event photographer, event photographer sf, best event photographer, reno event photography, best las vegas corporate event photographer, @kellipricephotography_events, incentive event photographer, incentive event photography, corporate photography tahoe, Corporate Gifting, corporate lifestyle photography, corporate event planner, corporate event photography reno, corporate photography reno, corporate event, Corporate Event Photography, corporate photography atlanta, corporate event photography sacramento, corporate event photography tahoe, corporate event photography, corporate event photography sf, corporate event photographer, corporate photography sf, corporate event photographers, corporate team photography, corporate photography sacramento, sacramento corporate photography, reno corporate photography, atlanta corporate photography, atlanta corporate photographer, las vegas corporate event photographer, bay area corporate photography, corporate portraits, masterclass, focus on event photography, kelligivesgoodheadshots, kellipricephotography, kelly price photography, Kelli Price Photography, #kelligivesgoodheadshots, @kellipricephotography, lifestyle headshot reno, lifestyle photographer, headshots photography, headshots photgraphy, headshot photographer, lifestyle headshots, lifestyle portraits, lifestyle headshot, lifestyle photography, meeting planner, meetings photographer Comments
Help to Eliminate Fear and Build Trust During Challenging Times | Professional Portrait Photography by Kelli Price

Keeping your high- potential, high performing employees engaged can be challenging, but also extremely meaningful now and for the future. The research shows that highly engaged employees, drive highly engaged customers/business relationships, driving greater profits.

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Professional Portraits, Events & Meetings, BrandingKelli Priceevent photography awards 2019, event photographer sacramento, event photographer atlanta, event photographer reno, event photography prices, event photographer tahoe, event photographer cost, Event Photography Awards, event photographer blog, event photography atlanta, event photography blog, Event Photography, eventprof, event photography las vegas, eventprofs, event photography, event photographer, best event photographer, reno event photography, best las vegas corporate event photographer, @kellipricephotography_events, atlanta event photography, atlanta event photograpers, atlanta corporate photography, atlanta corporate photographer, atlanta event photographers, bay area event photography, bay area corporate photography, sacramento corporate photography, sacramento event photographer, sacramento event photography, Sacramento Family Photographer, corporate photography sacramento, corporate event photography sacramento, las vegas event photographers, corporate photography tahoe, corporate event photography reno, corporate event, corporate photography reno, Corporate Event Photography, corporate event photography, corporate event photographer, corporate team photography, corporate event photographers, product branding photography, lifestyle photographer, lifestyle atlanta, lifestyle portraits, lifestyle headshots, lifestyle headshot, headshots photgraphy, kelligivesgoodheadshots, headshot photographer, headshots photography, head shots, lifestyle headshot reno, #kelligivesgoodheadshotsComment
Kelli Price talks about Corporate Event & Headshot Photography on the David Carr Photography Podcast

While in Atlanta recently, I had the opportunity to chat about event photography on the David Carr Photography​ podcast. Grab a snack and learn why I love photographing corporate events.

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Corporate Photography, Events & Meetings, Professional PortraitsKelli Pricekelly price photography, kellipricephotography, kelligivesgoodheadshots, #kelligivesgoodheadshots, @kellipricephotography_events, @kellipricephotography, event photographer sacramento, Event Photography, event photographer atlanta, event photographer reno, event photography prices, event photographer cost, event photographer tahoe, eventprof, Event Photography Awards, event photographer blog, event photography blog, eventprofs, event planner, event photographer sf, best event photographer, reno event photography, best las vegas corporate event photographer, sfevent photography, catering & events, incentive event, incentive event photographer, incentive event photography, las vegas corporate event photographer, sacramento event photography, bay area event photography, corporate event planner, corporate event photography reno, Corporate Event Photography, atlanta event photography, corporate event photography sacramento, corporate event photography tahoe, corporate event photography sf, sacramento corporate photography, Sacramento Family Photographer, corporate photography sacramento, atlanta corporate photography, retreats resources, reno corporate photography, Reno photography, reno photographers, Incentive Travel, Incentive Programs, Society for Incentive Travel Excellence, room2work, room2workatlanta, podcast, David Carr Photography, David Carr Photography Podcast, The Storytelling Companion, The Story Telling Companion Podcast, Goat Farm, The Goat Farm Arts Center, The Goat Farm, corporate photography tahoe, corporate event photographer, corporate event, corporate event photographers, las vegas event photographers, sacramento event photographer, event photography, atlanta corporate photographer, bay area corporate photography, event photographer, event photography las vegas, event photography atlanta, corporate lifestyle photography, corporate photography reno, corporate event photographyComment
Look forward to Loews & Co. in 2020 New Vision | Event Photography for the Travel & Incentive Industry - Kelli Price Photography

I love clients who value headshots and view them as an incentive for their clients! 2020 was my 2nd year joining her and its always a great turnout. I see a lot of familiar faces but also new ones!

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Wanderlust Festival Squaw Valley | Lake Tahoe Event & Brand Activation Photos - Kelli Price Photography

It was a gorgeous summer day at Squaw Valley and got to wear yoga pants to work. Win win! I photographed the Swisse Wellness booth as the ambassadors educated the visitors on their products and vitamins. The goal was to show the engagement in the booth area, which also included hair braiding and a mediation dome. I also wanted to capture the brand AND the beauty of the festival. It was so fun to watch the acro yoga, ribbon dancing and hula hooping. Of course, after I was off the clock, I got my hair braided and had a little fun with the acro yoga :)

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SITE Southeast Board Member | Incentive Event Photographer - Kelli Price Photography

I’ve posted previous blogs about my appreciation for SITE Southeast and how its impacted my success as a Corporate Meetings, Incentives & Event Photographer the past 5 years. So, its quite an honor to be nominated to be on the SITE Southeast Board!

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What to Wear for Professional Headshots | Corporate Events & Lifestyle Photographer

What to Wear: Choosing the Perfect Outfit! Your outfit will make a huge difference to your photos so choose something that suits your personality and your brand.

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Contractor Connection Conference & Expo | Corporate Meetings & Event Photographer - Kelli Price

Back in April I photographed a cattle drive (while on a horse) and in June I had the opportunity to photograph a rodeo for the Contractor Connection Conference! It must be year of the horse for me. If you are ever in Dallas, you need to think big….just like Texas!

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Kelli Price Photography Features & Awards | Atlanta-Tahoe Lifestyle Photographer

Thank you to all of my 2017 clients, from East coast to West coast, that let me be a part of your family and special occasions! I am SO lucky to have this opportunity to do what I love!

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