Lifestyle Headshots in Total Wine | Lifestyle Photography by Kelli Price Photography
Lifestyle Headshots in Total Wine | Lifestyle Photography by Kelli Price Photography
Remember the #MichaelsChallenge back in 2018? Unless you are a photographer, probably not! I loved how creative people were getting in the stores AND that Michael’s gave the “thumbs-up”…perfect for social media! A friend and I laughed about doing something similar with one of our favorite stores, Total Wine. One thing led to another and we picked a day when I was back in Atlanta. Katie busted out a cute dress and sparkly shoes. You would have thought the wine store would have been empty on a early Sunday morning, nope!
Fast forward to March 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m pretty sure this will also be us in a few months…dancing in the wine store in our fancy clothes (good-bye living in yoga pants….for now)!
View another attempt of channeling the challenge!